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PRINT ISBN-13: 978-1535147347
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Smashwords Ryland Sanders is a feisty, no-nonsense cop who protects her heart with her smart mouth. She has no friends, and every partner she's ever had gave up on her long ago. When paired with a new cop, Ry pulls out all stops to get rid of him. Kane Nanuq (Nanook) is from the Northwest Territories on Baffin Island. He's tracking a serial killer, who murdered his wife and children. When he meets Ry, his carefully planned revenge is altered. She wants to become bait, but Kane wants to protect her. She cracks open his carefully guarded heart, even as she loses hers. The duo work together to capture the man, but neither of them realize they've lost their hearts to each other until it's too late...
In a million years,
she wouldn't ever admit to anyone, let alone herself, that his touch
made her belly flutter with a swarm of butterflies. Keeping her eyes on
her computer screen, she did her best to appear unaffected. For a few
seconds, he tapped the keys on her keyboard, then rebooted the computer.
When the proper window came up and the computer worked fine, he said,
"There," then returned to his desk. Angry that she'd felt an interest in
him, she said, "I'm not going to thank you…for anything."
He smirked, saying
clearly, "I don't expect you to."
Stunned, she stared
at him for a long moment. It then occurred to her it wasn't his fault
that her whole morning had gone bust. She sighed then gave him credit
for being nice to her when she'd been so nasty to him. She realized that
he hadn't done a thing to deserve her ire, except by being the schmuck
who'd been chosen to be her partner. After all, he hadn't picked the job
himself, or had he?
She let out a heavy
sigh then pushed back her chair. After picking up her cup, she took a
large gulp of the still-warm drink.
"Listen, ice man…"
Stopping herself, she tried again. "Listen, Nanuq, I think we should
start this day over again. I admit I'm not the easiest person to get
along with by a long shot, but since we have to work together, why don't
I try and keep my smart mouth shut, and you can stop being so damned
nice to me?" Keeping her eyes on the ceiling, she waited in silence for
him to respond.
It took long enough
that she shifted her gaze to him. He'd sat back to study her in the
annoying way he did, similar to a cat eyeing a mouse.
After he finally
nodded, he refocused on his computer without uttering a word. He'd let
her off the hook again. She shook her head, then took another large swig
of coffee and turned back to her own computer, enjoying a strange sense
of satisfaction. For a moment, she thought he'd be a pretty good partner
if he kept to himself and let her do the talking, but then she shrugged.
After having been paired with a series of partners who wouldn't follow
her lead, she had sworn to go solo, but the chief refused to let her.
Her gaze suddenly
swung over to view her screen.
"Holy moly!" she
cried. "Did you get this email about our first case of the day? The body
of a female, approximately thirty-five years old, was discovered in a
burning apartment by firefighters. She'd been drowned in the bathtub
then left submerged. The killer soaked the hallway with kerosene and lit
it on fire. The body hadn't burned since someone noticed the fire fairly
Glancing at Kane, she
noted his closed expression, and a slight tic flickering along his jaw
line. He'd seen the email all right.
"What do you make of
it? It's the fourth murder in the city in the past two months, and all
evidence points to the serial killer whom we've dubbed the Web Cleanser.
Anything to add?" He was keeping something from her; she could sense it.
Without taking his
eyes from the computer screen, Kane said, "The murders started happening
in Inuit two years ago. I've been tracking the perpetrator ever since."
"You might be a man
of few words, ice…Nanuq, but I need more. Send me what you know about
Expecting he'd obey
without protest, she returned to the email. Ten minutes later she
glanced back at him.
His hard gaze met
hers. "No."